Crown Lifting

Crown reduction, sometimes called crown thinning, is a method of trimming the top part of a tree (the canopy) to reduce its size. There are many reasons why you may require crown lifting; some of the most common are where the tree has grown too close to powerlines or building structures, or the tree has become top heavy and is at risk of branches becoming damaged via breaking; this problem can be highlighted even more so when there are storms or bad weather. At Ely Tree Surgeons, we’ll take care of all your needs; check out below to learn more about tree crowning.

Crown reduction is a pruning technique used to reduce a tree’s crown’s overall size and density. Crown reduction can help to improve the growth of other branches by giving them more light and air exposure. Using crown reduction techniques on certain trees, such as maples, can also help reduce their sap production. At Ely Tree Surgeons, we have the experience and ability to care for all your crown thinning needs throughout Ely.

At Ely Tree Surgeons, our highly-trained experts are dedicated to providing our customers with the highest quality of service. When performing a crown reduction, we always strive to retain the natural aesthetic beauty of the tree while removing any dead or diseased branches. We will usually begin by gaining an overall view of the tree crown and then prune back extensively to thin out any dense areas. We also perform intentional shaping to balance out a lopsided crown. Depending on the situation, we may also insert metal frameworks (such as copper rods or braces) into strategic points and pruning techniques to create more volume and achieve the desired shape. As specialist tree surgeons, you can always trust us to ensure your treen crown lifting needs are taken care of quickly and efficiently.

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Crown Lifting

Crown reduction, sometimes called crown thinning, is a method of trimming the top part of a tree (the canopy) to reduce its size. There are many reasons why you may require crown lifting; some of the most common are where the tree has grown too close to powerlines or building structures, or the tree has become top heavy and is at risk of branches becoming damaged via breaking; this problem can be highlighted even more so when there are storms or bad weather. At Ely Tree Surgeons, we’ll take care of all your needs; check out below to learn more about tree crowning.

Crown reduction is a pruning technique used to reduce a tree’s crown’s overall size and density. Crown reduction can help to improve the growth of other branches by giving them more light and air exposure. Using crown reduction techniques on certain trees, such as maples, can also help reduce their sap production. At Ely Tree Surgeons, we have the experience and ability to care for all your crown thinning needs throughout Ely.

At Ely Tree Surgeons, our highly-trained experts are dedicated to providing our customers with the highest quality of service. When performing a crown reduction, we always strive to retain the natural aesthetic beauty of the tree while removing any dead or diseased branches. We will usually begin by gaining an overall view of the tree crown and then prune back extensively to thin out any dense areas. We also perform intentional shaping to balance out a lopsided crown. Depending on the situation, we may also insert metal frameworks (such as copper rods or braces) into strategic points and pruning techniques to create more volume and achieve the desired shape. As specialist tree surgeons, you can always trust us to ensure your treen crown lifting needs are taken care of quickly and efficiently.

This is a photo of an arborist up a cherry picker, carrying out tree pruning. Photo taken by Ely Tree Surgeons.
This is a photo of an overgrown garden, with many large trees at the end of it which are being felled. Photo taken by Ely Tree Surgeons.

Crown Thinning

After crown reduction, ensuring your trees are kept healthy and safe is a top priority. It’s essential to immediately address any newly exposed areas of the tree, especially where branches have been removed, as these spots are more prone to infection. Firstly, it’s vital that all cuts made to the tree during the crown reduction process are correctly sealed using a pruning sealer or wound dressing. If applicable, mulch should be applied around the base of the tree and any other exposed areas of the root system – this will help protect against weed growth and provide insulation and resource availability to keep your tree in good condition. Finally, bacterial diseases must be monitored during the following few years. If you suspect your tree may be suffering from infection or disease, contact Ely Tree Surgeons as soon as possible so we can come by and offer an expert diagnosis.

For all your crown reduction needs, Ely Tree Surgeons are here to help. We will work with you to determine if crown reduction is the right solution for your tree and then walk you through the process so that you know what to expect. After we are finished, we will provide you with aftercare instructions so that you can keep your tree healthy and happy for years to come. Give us a call today to schedule a free site survey.

Crown Reduction Near Me

We work throughout Ely and the surrounding areas of Cambridge. Maybe you found our website by searching for ‘Crown Lifting Near Me’ or something similar, if our site popped up then we certainly cover your area too! As well as crown reduction we also carry out stump grinding if this is a service that you ever need.

Please do feel free to contact us anyway; and we will be happy to help you in any way we can, and schedule your FREE site survey.